We know that you need support in managing your businesses and careers. What better way to find that support than brainstorming with each other for solutions to problems, sharing successes, and holding each other accountable. With these goals in mind, we will now be hosting Mastermind groups for business owners of 20 employees or less. For more information or to apply for the next Masterminds Group, contact us at 281-488-7676. Applications will begin in June.
Group Format:
- 11 Monthly Meetings hosted by a Facilitator, 1 ½ Hours, August – June
- Kick-Off Event | TBA
- Regular Meetings | TBA
- Wrap-up Event | TBA
- Minimum of 8 and Maximum of 12 Participants
- Groups will be self-guided with a starter pack from the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce.
- Meetings will consist of a general business topic with a video and round table discussion, followed by each member taking a turn in the “hot seat.”
Group Expectations:
- Participants will pay a $75 registration fee and agree to host one meeting.
- Participants will abide by the guidelines set for the group.
- Participants will make meetings a priority to attend and contribute ideas and solutions to fellow members.
- Participants will remain a member in good standing with the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce.