Visit the Community Calendar page. Click the plus sign on the upper right side of the calendar.
This will open up a screen where you can enter your login information and all the details of your event.
Once you’ve entered in all of the details, hit the “Submit for Approval” button.
Once a chamber staff member has approved your event, it will appear on the Community Calendar.
You must login to the Info Hub.
Once logged in:
- Click Job Postings in the left-hand navigation.
- Click the Add button in the top right.
- Configure the following:
- Contact: The name of the member creating the job posting will be automatically populated. If applicable, the organization may be selected from the drop-down list.
- Content Status: The status of the content will be displayed as Draft. Once the job posting is saved, the status will change to Pending Approval. Once staff has approved the content, this will be automatically updated to approved.
- Title: Enter the job title. This will be displayed in the job postings search results.
- Tags: Enter desired tags. Tags are searchable words that may be used when someone searches your job postings.
- Description: Enter the job description, and other information as needed to describe the job.
- Publish Start: Enter the first day this job posting will be published.
- Publish End: Enter the last day this job posting will be published. Note: the Web Content Pre Expiration Notice automated email will be sent to the contact three days prior to the Publish End. Within the email will be a link, that will take them to the Info Hub where they could update the job posting publication end date.
- Categories: (Optional) Select the desired category for this job posting. Categories provide a way to report, search and filter job postings.
- Search Description: Enter the description you wish to display on the job postings listing pages.
- Custom Fields: If you have included custom fields, enter or choose the appropriate information.
- (Optional) Click the Search Result Image to upload an image to be displayed on the job listings page. NOTE: Additional images may be uploaded once the job posting has been saved.
- Click Done
You job will be submitted for approval. Jobs will be listed for a max of 30 days after which point you may readd the job if the position is still open.
To register for an event, click on our Member Calendar. Find the event you wish to attend and click on it.
You will need to enter your Infohub login information, the number of tickets you wish to purchase(when required), and then individual registration information for each person (name, company, etc).
Hit Submit
If you would like to host either of these events, please contact the chamber by calling 281-488-7676.
NOTE: In order for a member to update Related Contacts, they must have at a minimum Edit rights.
- Click My Info in the Navigation Panel.
- Click the Related Contacts tab.
- Click the Add Contact button to add a new contact. NOTE: Create privileges are needed to add new information. If the contact previously belonged to another member organization, adding them to a different/new organization via the Info Hub will NOT change their contact record in the back office; rather, it will create a new contact record, and will trigger the New Person Added to Existing Membership staff notification. Staff can then determine if the two records need to be merged in the back office or not.
- OR
- Click the
to edit existing information. NOTE: This option also allows the member to send the reset password email to the contact.
- Click Save if changes have been made.
Please reference our full list of ways to get involved by visiting: Get Involved
If you have further questions of how to get involved, don’t hesitate to contact Kathryn at kathryn@clearlakearea.com or Luanne at Luanne@clearlakearea.com